Let's Schedule

Discover how ad fee rebates earned from agency accounts will help you increase Net Profit Margin by 40%+, while saving on wasted ad spend.


Let's Schedule

Discover how ad fee rebates earned from agency accounts will help you increase Net Profit Margin by 40%+, while saving on wasted ad spend.


Have A Question? We Are Here To Help ! Book A Call And Get All The Needed Details.

Do You Provide Agency Ad Accounts?

Yes, we can give you access to Premium Ad Accounts.

How To Get Started?

Arrange an appointment with us using this form. The Cosmic Surplus Team will get in touch with you and Onboard you within 24-48HRS, In order to scale your ads with a high cashback rate.

How Does It Work?

Firstly, You will need to fill out the application form and answer some simple questions. Next, Our Team will contact you and schedule an Online Consultation.

During the call, We’ll carefully listen and also raise a few questions. Finally, we’ll present you with our services and fees detailing how much you may save using our services. If you wish to work with us, we’ll sign a contract and get your account set up in 48 hours.

What Does It Cost?

We don’t charge any fee throughout the service.

As the business partner of social media platforms (Meta & Google & Tiktok), we are responsible for business development in worldwide market. In return, these platforms will reward us with a certain percentage of the ad fee spent by our clients as commission.

Do You Work With All Types Of Businesses?

YES. We have served all types of companies from different verticals. We never set the limitation of the client’s company size. Most of successful business grow from 1 employee. We wish to be the part of the growing journey and help our clients to boost their business performance.

Do You Only Provide Facebook Agency Accounts?

We provide accounts for all the major Social Media Network Platforms : Facebook, Instagram, Google and Tiktok.

How Many Agency Accounts Do I Get?

You will have access to as many Ad Accounts that you’ll need, but you will be required to spend on them.

What If My Personal Facebook Profile Is Banned?

Our Facebook experts will help you to set up an advanced structure to avoid ad account bans. We continuously monitor shutdown risks, and provide advanced solutions for your ad asset safety 24/7.

Can I Pay The Ad Fee By Credit Card?

No. Before running campaigns in our agency ad accounts, you are requested to top up the ad credit via bank transfer.

At Cosmic Surplus, we are partnered with the largest advertising networks in the world to ensure our clients have an unrivalled advertising experience.

Contact Us


‪+66 81 969 1379‬



Google Unlimited

Facebook Unplugged

Tiktok Unbounded


Have A Question? We Are Here To Help ! Book A Call And Get All The Needed Details.

Do You Provide Agency Ad Accounts?

Yes, we can give you access to Premium Ad Accounts.

How To Get Started?

Arrange an appointment with us using this form. The Cosmic Surplus Team will get in touch with you and Onboard you within 24-48HRS, In order to scale your ads with a high cashback rate.

How Does It Work?

Firstly, You will need to fill out the application form and answer some simple questions. Next, Our Team will contact you and schedule an Online Consultation.

During the call, We’ll carefully listen and also raise a few questions. Finally, we’ll present you with our services and fees detailing how much you may save using our services. If you wish to work with us, we’ll sign a contract and get your account set up in 48 hours.

What Does It Cost?

We don’t charge any fee throughout the service.

As the business partner of social media platforms (Meta & Google & Tiktok), we are responsible for business development in worldwide market. In return, these platforms will reward us with a certain percentage of the ad fee spent by our clients as commission.

Do You Work With All Types Of Businesses?

YES. We have served all types of companies from different verticals. We never set the limitation of the client’s company size. Most of successful business grow from 1 employee. We wish to be the part of the growing journey and help our clients to boost their business performance.

Do You Only Provide Facebook Agency Accounts?

We provide accounts for all the major Social Media Network Platforms : Facebook, Instagram, Google and Tiktok.

How Many Agency Accounts Do I Get?

You will have access to as many Ad Accounts that you’ll need, but you will be required to spend on them.

What If My Personal Facebook Profile Is Banned?

Our Facebook experts will help you to set up an advanced structure to avoid ad account bans. We continuously monitor shutdown risks, and provide advanced solutions for your ad asset safety 24/7.

Can I Pay The Ad Fee By Credit Card?

No. Before running campaigns in our agency ad accounts, you are requested to top up the ad credit via bank transfer.

At Cosmic Surplus, we are partnered with the largest advertising networks in the world to ensure our clients have an unrivalled advertising experience.

Contact Us

Email: yiyeungchau@cosmicsurplus.co

WhatsApp: ‪+66 81 969 1379‬

Address: 5F, 221 B-E NATHAN RD, HONG KONG